Please tell me they are PRETENDING to be this bad!!
Why are my students so bad at following directions and writing in complete sentences?????
Half of the time they don't answer the question they have been asked, but the question they wish they had been asked, namely: uh, what do you think about this data stuff?
Are they drunk while they do their homework??? Their sentences trail off into nowhere. Here is a typical sentence: The data is skewed and it is hard to determine the center through visually
WTF?? I understand that this is a required class and most of them don't really care about it but i'm starting to get really violent with the red pen. They have been explicitly told over and over and over and over and over to write their answers in complete sentences within the context of the problem. When asked about the shape of a distribution, I get something like this:
Well the data start around 40 and then go up and there are 4 bars at 70 and then a bunch more at 80.
The worst part is that these are the AMERICAN kids. The foreign students write things like this: The distribution of the number of games Wayne Gretsky played during his career is left skewed with most of the games falling between 75 and 80.
Why are americans so stupid? or at least lazy??????
Ok, sorry, I had to vent. Now I can go back to grading and perhaps I won't strike with such force using the red pen.
p.s. no actual homeworks were quoted reality, they are much worse.
Half of the time they don't answer the question they have been asked, but the question they wish they had been asked, namely: uh, what do you think about this data stuff?
Are they drunk while they do their homework??? Their sentences trail off into nowhere. Here is a typical sentence: The data is skewed and it is hard to determine the center through visually
WTF?? I understand that this is a required class and most of them don't really care about it but i'm starting to get really violent with the red pen. They have been explicitly told over and over and over and over and over to write their answers in complete sentences within the context of the problem. When asked about the shape of a distribution, I get something like this:
Well the data start around 40 and then go up and there are 4 bars at 70 and then a bunch more at 80.
The worst part is that these are the AMERICAN kids. The foreign students write things like this: The distribution of the number of games Wayne Gretsky played during his career is left skewed with most of the games falling between 75 and 80.
Why are americans so stupid? or at least lazy??????
Ok, sorry, I had to vent. Now I can go back to grading and perhaps I won't strike with such force using the red pen.
p.s. no actual homeworks were quoted reality, they are much worse.
At 12:34 PM,
Anonymous said…
Please please please post more fake quotes. i print them and make signs of them to post on my office door. i also print quotes from intro mails from my just-joining the group coworkers.
the last one was just like the 5 before that - "in my spare time i like to play the xbox, watch anime and read sci fi."
i walked by the kid's office - crumpled geeky big glasses bald head. his virtual girlfriend was throwing a hissy fit over IM so he was looking very disconcerned. either that or windows had just crashed and he was debugging it just for fun.
i love my job.
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