So, i haven't posted in forever. In the time that has ellapsed, I:

- bought a sparkly green vacuum that lets you see all the dirt once it gets sucked up and revel in how amazing your vacuum is and also how disgusting your house is. you've got to let the dirt build up though, or it isn't as fun.
- started teaching summer school statistics. verdict: hating it. so glad i'm not teaching this fall. my students are pretty cool on the whole.....an adorable german girl named jasmin.
- have been watching "project runway" and "so you think you can dance"
- have become totally obsessed with A&W diet root beer. I would buy stock if I knew how or had any money
- have no money because jared and i bought a house!!

- can't wait to move in and start a bunch of home improvement projects with the glowing intention of finishing them
- have been wishing i was watching wimbledon but having trouble actually doing it