jasmine soup - ingredients subject to change

Tuesday, September 26, 2006


I'm beginning to realize that I take movies, tv shows, and books VERY seriously. I regularly think of something funny that one of my friends said, only to realize that my "friend" is actualy a character and not a real person.

When something sad happens on t.v. I have trouble shaking it. Jared has to keep reminding me that its not real. But I don't want to succomb to its fakeness. I want it to be true and happening in real time. I think about characters on tv and wonder what they've been doing since the last time I saw them (last episode). I hate endings of books because nothing ends in real life, its an infinite epic and I want to know what happens next, dammit!

This is all stemming from the fact that we have been watching The Office on t.v. and I take the Pam and Jim "situation" very seriously. When Jim kisses her at the end of the first season and all their awkward flirting comes to an awkward head it just kills me. I get practically get butterflies in my stomache like I know these two people and I'm looking on from the closet.

It made me miss being in their position...an uncertain beginning, a first kiss, etc... Being in a long term relationship that you don't intend to break off sort of puts an end to the butterflies. I still sometimes get the feeling in my stomach but it is due to a) a movie or b) something thats not exciting but scary or anxiety producing. I don't think those should even get to be called butterlies...they are more like moths.

I suggested to Jared that we should break up and then get back together so that we could have butterflies again but he didn't think it would work. I guess its sort of a trade off. When I am not in a relationship and I watch a movie and the two people fall in love at the end and its so right and unavoidable and complete, then i just feel like shit because no one loves me like that, i have no one, blah blah blah. Now when i watch one of those movies and I get to the end it reminds me of how much I love Jared and how I am just as happy as the people in the movie. So maybe that makes up for it.

This is not to say that the butterflies lead to something good. Usually not. Would I rather get unending butterflies but never have a "successful relationship" (whatever that is these days). Definitely not. This path is highly correlated with an enending series of disappointments and loneliness. I guess butterflies are the price you pay...

Monday, September 25, 2006

This Old House

Where to start...where to start....I guess I should post more house pictures. I took them with my phone so they aren't very good. I can't find my camera....or my jean jacket...or my pink sparkly flip flops that i bought in queens with josh. i feel like i have looked in every damn box in the house and the box in the car (yes, we still have a box in the car. we moved over a month ago) numerous times. i just keep finding weird things that i don't even really want but i don't know what to do with. Either impulse buys that didn't work out or things that i feel like i should have a sentimental attachment to but i don't, or things that are disfunctional but i like. But no camera.

So, on to house pictures. I thought we'd do a little "before and after"


Compared to this:

Disregard the fact that the lawn looks totally dead. We needed to learn the "water the lawn or it will die" lesson. we learned it and we've moved on. Its been raining.

The before picture really doesn't do justice to how ugly this bathroom was. But just look at it now, folks.

What this picture doesn't show you is the fact that the bathroom sink is not function and has never been functioning. We've been working on it for three weeks. We get discouraged and quit. It does show the instructions for the faucet.

So this is our dining room chandelier:

but you can't really see it very well. This is what its supposed to look like: